+91 7376-057-480

Just one call away from you


Timmings : 09.30 AM - 10.00PM


IHS Group is a helpline service which is distributing company card for the promotion and also providing social services to the people this company is based on social services according to company rules and regulation every card holder has a authority to use the services of the organization.

Social Services:-

IHS is a Group which provides all types of services in india but at present services starts in Uttar Pradesh only. Through this company people will know services provide through government and also provide help to the people. Through this company every person is able to register their complaint.

Way of register complaint:
Online register complaint please visit our website www.ihsgroup.in

Offline register complaint please take Indian post card write your complaint and post this address
Indian Helpline Servives
A-5, Mandi Road
Central Jail Cahuraha
Farrukhabad - 209625


Social networking like toll free number is properly using to communicate with the company, through this people can collect their required information.